The Expanse, Season 1


The sometimes gritty, not too distant future of The Expanse employs design systems and visual languages built to quickly identify locale and place the viewer in the correct setting in the narrative.

This work was produced for the prolific (legendary) Junction Box Design, in Toronto, Canada – who created art direction and style treatments for each planetary and ship setting. I worked on a series of still and animated display panels, and touch interfaces to be used on camera in a variety of scenes on “Ceres Station”, “Eros” and the “Rocinante” in the initial run of the series.

Medical supplies kit from Eros – built in display panels run as playback on camera.


These “practical effects”, which often times will end up being totally replaced in post production, are generated with direction, comments, feedback and revisions and the are made available to run on set in advance of any shoot. Rapid development, and fast turnaround is key.

After Effects was the primary tool for designing video loops and content. Each episode also employed dozens of custom prototype apps developed to function naturally with scripted action and effects.

Hello world.

This is a sample box, with some sample content in it.