Open Source for Investor Relations
OpnStockn is designed to be different
Open source and built to keep Investor Relations content marketing and communications easy and scalable.
Timely, accurate, secure and compliant, OpnStockn is fully automated and provides companies in public markets with the website technologies and digital tools used by their largest peers to communicate with and to grow their audiences.
A managed open source solution for investor relations websites and digital content provides superior flexibility, customization, scalability, portability & customization for companies in public markets.
OpnStockn enables best practices for compliance and includes automation of news release postings, display of stock data and investor information, email and social media marketing in addition to a managed suite of tools that support modern SEO, analytics, security, backup, recovery and ongoing website monitoring and maintenance.
Every element and component of OpnStockn is designed to free companies from being bound to implementation restrictions, limitations and third-parties. Over time, solutions, technologies and providers change – OpnStockn is built to keep the company in control and to adapt, to be endlessly customized and extended or modified to suit the needs of the business for the long term.
Stock ticker, charts and market data display is based on pure JSON data. OpnStockn’s preferred vendor and base options include current ticker data including Price, Change, OHLC and Volume on a 5-15 minute delay, multiple listings, comparables, historical data (EOD) to generate customized stock charts, graphs and spot price display.
Newsfeed Integration is designed to transform your company’s news wire into compliant website content automatically, instantly and exactly matched to your news releases. Whatever what the source – XML, RSS or JSON – OpnStockn will monitor your news feed, and will post your news instantly.
Enterprise email marketing to grow and serve the IR audiences is built in and automatic triggered with issuance of news releases and investor news. Email marketing that is naturally open source, no-dependancy, no-third party services is built into OpnStockn, and can be used entirely independently or with the company’s existing news marketing services.
Security solutions include built in firewalls, hardened servers, load balancing, automated backups, archives, cloud backup, offline backup redundancy and verifiable disaster recovery protocols (drills) along with front end deflection and anti-spam. As part of ongoing maintenance all application and plugin software is tested and updated on a monthly basis. Access is limited to SFTP or SSH, with administration interfaces requiring multi-factor authentication.
Flexible and portable and designed to ‘work’ with a variety of types of data and environments. With sites and solutions hosted currently with AWS, Google Cloud Compute, hosted LAMP servers – even WIX. OpnStockn is designed to serve Investor Relations content where it is today, and where it’s going tomorrow.
No-obligation, open source software puts the company in control of future modifications and extensions and reduces the risk of vendor lock-in. With OpnStockn, the entire suite of tools, plugins and applications is reviewed, tested, updated and maintained on a monthly basis. All software is reviewed for lifespan, compatibility and dependancies before inclusion in the OpnStockn suite.
Lower Costs for the company are delivered across the board. The software suite, and entire solution is built to adapt and leverage low cost solutions for maintenance, hosting, and data provision. OpnStockn is inexpensive to operate and maintain for companies of any size at any scale.
Training, product documentation and an on-going changelog ensures accountability and change tracking. Controlled access for designated staff allows the company to make changes and updates at any time from anywhere using any desktop or mobile device securely.
OpnStockn is designed to improve every part of the Investor Relations marketing and online experience.